Ella LeBain
Experiencer | Contactee,Researcher a/o Scientist,SpeakerELLA LEBAIN is an ET Experiencer, UFO Researcher, Astronomer, Space Enthusiast, and the author of a six-book series, Who's Who in The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Gods, Angels, Exoplanets & Space Controversies: An End Time Guide to ET's, Aliens, Exoplanets, and Space Controversies. Her series examines: discerning disclosure of Extraterrestrial life and its effects on our culture and religions.
Ella is a retired Paralegal of 25 years and applied her research skillset into discerning the truth about who are the ETs and Aliens, into her, so far, 6 book set. Her collection of titles help people connect the dots between Ancient Biblical Astronauts, UFOs, and the Alien Presence on Earth; as well as between the past, present, and future prophecies. These connections prove the point that we have never been alone and what goes around comes around - meaning the return of the so called ET gods.
Ella was born in New York City and was educated in Israel. She received a Social Sciences Degree from the Biological Research Center of the Negev in 1979 where she was schooled in Biblical Hebrew. She earned an Astronomy Degree from the Hayden Planetarium in New York City in 1982 where she began her serious study of Cosmology.
Ella has been involved in UFO research, investigating alien abductions, paranormal activities since 1979. Her close encounters caused her to dig deeper into what has become a 43-year journey to get to the truth about UFOs, Aliens, ETs, gods, and angels and how they all fit into the endgame of our End Times real life Star Wars scenario, proving the truth is stranger than fiction!
Overcoming The Traumas of Alien Abductions and Getting Free of The Alien Hybridization Program
Ella will be sharing her UFO/USO experiences, what happened during her Alien Abductions, and how the ultimate close encounter during her Near-Death Experience in 2010 liberated her from being used as an alien incubator as she connects the dots to the Alien-Hybridization program and how it fits into the End of this Age scenario and ancient prophesies. Ella’s presentations are unique in the way she connects dots to Truths that are much Stranger than Fiction. She covers the extraterrestrial realities in our most popular Science Fiction culture; from the mythologies of Star Wars, Star Trek, the Marvel Universe and the popular SyFy TV Series, Resident Alien, and how they reveal hidden but deliberate ‘soft disclosures’ of who the ETs and Alien Presence are on Earth, their apparent hierarchies, and how film makers have been used to prepare the public for the ultimate divine appointment – Contact or Conflict?