CRYPTID559 is a team of extremely curious adventures intrigued and fascinated in the unknown world of Cryptozoology. Co-founders JAVIER MORALES and JESUS LOPEZ share their extraordinary experiences of Cryptid and UFO encounters and theories to the world from the...
DEBBIE JORDAN-KAUBLE was the central figure in Budd Hopkins’s New York Times best-seller, Intruders, the Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods and the 1992 CBS mini-series of the same name starring Richard Crenna and Mare Winningham. To protect her family she went by...
JOHN YOST’S prestigious career began under the jurisprudence of the U.S. Treasury Department. During that process, he attained his U.S. Customs Broker’s License and occasionally was a paid consultant to the FBI regarding international trade matters. After...
DAVE SCOTT is the creator and host of Spaced Out Radio, broadcast worldwide from British Columbia, Canada. This cutting edge, alternative radio show can be heard Monday through Friday at Dave received a diploma in Broadcast Communications from one...
ROBERT PERALA is the internationally acclaimed author of The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium and The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond. His lectures and publications include 25 years of research in: metaphysics, spirituality, behavioral...